Laura Soto Shows Her Wet Pink Pussy
Laura Soto is worth every penny I have ever spent on her live cam performances. She knows exactly what I like and makes me cum so hard each time we have our lengthy live chat sessions. She always starts her cam porn appearance by removing her top quickly for me free of charge. Her nipples became hard as soon as they struck the air. Sexiness appears with every breath she takes. She attacks her lower lip and leans her head back. Her nipples rolled in between her fingers turning redder. She rubs them with her hands and moaned softly.
Laura then reaches under her breasts and raises both of them up. She then sucks on each nipple area uniformly. Her tongue licks around them in circles. She carefully munches on them as I began stroking my cock slowly. Mental images of this masturbatory scenario blink via my mind, which creates an opportunity for me to stroke even harder. Pre-cum leaks down my inner upper leg. I move my fingers around the top of my boxers. I take a deep breath of oxygen beforehand.
My boxers slowly slide down my butt, then down my thighs, calves and my feet. I remove them and put them on my computer chair. I sit on my bed bottomless, eyes rolling back in my head as I imagine Laura Soto French kissing me. Her lips meet mine as our tongues wrestle in perfect harmony. Her fingers gently and repeatedly rub her engorged clit as I visualize her tongue running down mt chest. Me running my fingers with her hair as she proceeds southward toward my cock. She rubs her clitoris much faster. I draw her my t-shirt over my head and sit totally nude on my bed. I tend to cum buckets and get tired of cleaning up my own cum stains!
Laura Soto’s Pink Teen Pussy Cums Hard
As Laura continues her self-pleasuring, I really feel a wave of relief come over me. My body trembles and my legs grow weak as I near climax. I cry out in satisfaction as cum spews from my rigid cock like so many tiems before. As I cum see Laura Soto has timed her orgasm to coincide with me. She runs her hands all over, touching her breasts, and fingering her tight pink teen pussy. I swear one of these days she is going to squirt. As my climax subsides, I lay my hands at my sides searching for another tissue to soak up the spent baby batter. I close my eyes and still see her performing, three fingers buried deep in the wettest pink pussy on the internet
Holy shit, it looks likes she is plunging four fingers inside her teen pussy now! I sit transfixed at how multi-orgasmic my live chat love can be. I curse once again to myself as I know I can’t stay online and masturbate all night long. As I regain my hardness, I imagine her leaning her face into my pussy. I tongue deep as I flick her clitoris with force as I utilize my hand t finger her asshole. Laura Soto has one orgasm left inside her tight teen pussy as her floodgates flow creamy cum. When it comes to cam girls, Laura Soto is the one for me!